Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year = new organizing!

Well we got back from "Up North" safe and sound. Tim and the kids were all off on "vacation" for the week (vacation? Not when you are the mom)Thursday we spent part of the day moving the furniture around in the MAN CAVE. Yesterday we spent the entire day moving furniture around in the bedrooms. Jake was first-we cleaned up his room then he wanted to move everything around-let me tell you-those wood "loft beds" with the dressers on the ends are HEAVY. Once done in there Josie decided it was her turn, then Jadyn wanted her's done too. NOW they all want us to paint their rooms-specifically Josie wants it to look like you are out in the woods, Jake wants his to look like the ocean and pirates, and Jadyn dosn't know what she wants exactly but it will have "somthing to do with a disco ball". OY.  Today I am gutting my office and reorganizing. It feels GREAT, but is pretty messy. I am afraid that there will also be furniture moving here too. I have a feeling Tim will be happy to get back to work on Monday!

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like alot of work going on at your house, Phew!!! I met you at Archiver's the other day, it was nice to actually physically met another blogger and crafter!! Stop by and visit, Jane
